AMC’s Sensory Friendly Films program enters adolescence this year! It was nearly 13 years ago when AMC partnered with the Autism Society of America to offer the first Sensory Friendly Films showing, designed to provide a more accepting and comfortable setting for guests and families that live with autism or other sensory-sensitive conditions.
Throughout the existence of the Sensory Friendly Films program, AMC has paired growth with evolution and continuous improvement. What began as one showing a month in one theatre, is now four showings per month in about 175 theatres with films catering to the youth audience as well as a more mature audience. Why the introduction of the more mature adult-focused content? Recognizing that the original base of Sensory Friendly Films moviegoers had grown into adulthood, in 2015 AMC expanded the program and introduced an adult-friendly counterpart.
Sensory Friendly Films program continues to evolve and grow with a few changes coming in 2020. After reviewing feedback received in 2019, and in an effort to be more mindful of the experience of guests and their families, the first improvement, beginning January 2020: Sensory Friendly Films showings will move from Tuesday evenings to Wednesday evenings. Check out the most recent showings, available here.
January 2020 Films:
Wednesday, January 8th: STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER
Saturday, January 11th: SPIES IN DISGUISE
Wednesday, January 22nd: DOLITTLE
Saturday, January 25th: DOLITTLE