This September, our focus is on National Suicide Prevention Month, National Bullying Prevention Month, and Hispanic Heritage Month. We are also sharing public policy resources with information about Disability Voting Rights Week from September 12th-16th.
National Suicide Prevention Month
- Autism Society Resource: An Overview of the 988 Number for National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- Autism Society Resource: National Suicide Prevention Month (Facebook Live episode)
- Autism Resources from the American Association of Suicidology
- Rate of Suicide 3 Times Higher for Autistic People
- Mental Health Among Autistic LGBTQ Youth
- Studies indicate a disproportionate number of Autistic individuals die by suicide before receiving a “diagnosis”.
National Bullying Prevention Month
- Autism Society Resource: Anti-Bullying Month (Facebook Live episode)
- Autism Society Resource: Coronavirus Information Series: “Athletics, Autism, and Navigating COVID” with Anthony Ianni
- Bullying and Autism: How to recognize harmful behavior and steps to create a safe school environment
- Stories about Bullying: Personal Accounts from Autistic Individuals
- Bullying and Psychological Safety in the Workplace
- Help Prevent Bullying
Hispanic Heritage Month
- Autism in Latin American Communities
- Being Autistic And Exploring My Mexican-American Heritage
- Supporting Hispanic Families Impacted by Autism
Public Policy
- Visit the Autism Society’s Action Center to find your legislators and register to vote.
- Find your state’s Developmental Disabilities (DD) Council in the NACDD Online Directory.
- Disability Voting Rights Week takes place September 12-16, 2022.
- One Vote Now
- Rock the Vote
- REV UP Voting Campaign
The Autism Society’s National Helpline is here to support you and provide you with the resources you need. Our Information & Referral Specialists are available Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm (Eastern Time) at 800-3-AUTISM (800-328-8476) or info@autism-society.org.
The Autism Society’s mission is to create connections, empowering everyone in the Autism community with the resources needed to live fully. As the nation’s oldest leading grassroots Autism organization, the Autism Society and its 70+ local affiliates serve over half a million members of the Autism community each year. It envisions a world where everyone in the Autism community is connected to the support they need, when they need it – including education, advocacy efforts, and supports and services throughout the lifespan. If you found this article helpful, please consider supporting our efforts through a donation, every bit helps. Donate here!