This May, our focus will be on Mental Health Awareness Month, suicide prevention, Water Safety Month, and resources for summer planning. Our public policy resources provide guidance for the end of the Public Health Emergency ending on May 11th. We also encourage you to continue using our Action Center to support the disability community.
Mental Health Support & Statistics
- Health and Wellness (Autism Society resource)
- Social Story: Dealing with Feelings of Anxiety and Depression (Autism Society resource)
- Infographic: What is Mental Health Parity?
- Autism and the Risk of Bipolar Disorder
- Masters of Masking: Autistic Men Who Camouflage
- Healthcare barriers prevent many Autistic people from seeking medical treatment
Suicide Prevention
- Social Story: 988 National Suicide Prevention Hotline (Autism Society resource)
- 988 Lifeline: Resources for Neurodivergent People
- Warning Signs of Suicide for Autistic People
- Autism and the Troubling Risk of Suicide
- My Journey from Suicidal Thoughts, Hospitalization, and Depression to So Much Hope
Summer Activities
- Managing End-of-Year Stress at School
- Tips for an Autism-Friendly Family Vacation
- Summer Camps for Children With Autism
Water Safety Month
Public Policy
- As the Public Health Emergency is coming to an end on May 11th, many important policies will come to an end. Be sure to stay updated using our guide.
- As Congress negotiates the budget and lifts the debt ceiling, be sure to use our Action Center to ensure your Members of Congress do not reduce Medicaid and other funding that is critical for the disability community.
The Autism Society’s National Helpline is here to support you and provide you with the resources you need. Our Information & Referral Specialists are available Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm (Eastern Time) at 800-3-AUTISM (800-328-8476) or info@autism-society.org.
The Autism Society’s mission is to create connections, empowering everyone in the Autism community with the resources needed to live fully. As the nation’s oldest leading grassroots Autism organization, the Autism Society and its 70+ local affiliates serve over half a million members of the Autism community each year. It envisions a world where everyone in the Autism community is connected to the support they need, when they need it – including education, advocacy efforts, and supports and services throughout the lifespan. If you found this article helpful, please consider supporting our efforts through a donation, every bit helps. Donate here!